¿Qué esperar de China tras tensión por posible visita de Pelosi a Taiwán?
Entrevista, NTN24, 2 Aug 2022.
Nancy Pelosi aterriza en Taiwán a pesar de las advertencias de China
Entrevista por RFI con AFP, Radio France Internationale, 2 augusto 2022.
Entrevista: Sobre el estado de la relación entre China y EEUU
Entrevista sobre el estado de la relación entre China y EEUU, en programa DNews, de DirectTV, 28 julio 2022.
Biden’s latest global infrastructure plan is all about competing with China. That’s a problem.
Interviewed by Muizz Akhtar, VOX, 28 July 2022.
Associated Press interview on Haiti, a year after the murder of President Jóvenel Moise
Associated Press, 21 July 2022.
Voice of America-Mandarin: The triangular relationship between the US, Latin America and China
Interviewed on Voice of America-Mandarin on the triangular relationship between the US, Latin America and China, 15 July 2022.
Entrevista: Nueva política de EEUU hacia las islas del Pacífico Sur
Entrevista sobre nueva política de EEUU hacia las islas del Pacífico Sur, en programa DNews, de DirectTV, 14 julio 2022.
Conexión Global Prime: El legado y la conmoción en Japón tras el asesinato del ex primer ministro Shinzo Abe
Interviewed on Conexión Global Prime: El legado y la conmoción en Japón tras el asesinato del ex primer ministro Shinzo Abe, CNN Chile, 13 July 2022.
What’s Really Driving the New Nonalignment Movement?
Interviewed by James Traub in Foreign Policy, 9 July 2022.
Shifting Sands in the Americas - Inside America with Ghida Fakhry
Interviewed on Shifting Sands in the Americas, Inside America with Ghida Fakhry, TRT World, 16 June 2022.
The World Today: The Summit of the Americas
Interviewed on The World Today, CGTN, 11 June 2022.
Biden’s hemispheric summit may end up a dud
Cited by Ishaan Tharoor in The Washington Post, 10 June 2022.
Notable absentees at Summit of the Americas
Interviewed on World Insight, CGTN, 10 June 2022.
Саммит Америк и война в Украине (Summit of the Americas and the war in Ukraine)
Interviewed in Саммит Америк и война в Украине (Summit of the Americas and the war in Ukraine), Voice of America (VOA) Russia, 9 June 2022.
Why some countries don’t want to pick a side in Russia’s war in Ukraine
Interviewed by Jonathan Guyer in Vox, 9 June 2022.
China’s long shadow looms over Biden’s Americas summit
Cited by Phelim Kine, POLITICO China Watcher, 9 June 2022.
Conexión Global Prime: Las claves y ejes que marcarán la Cumbre de las Américas
Interviewed on Conexión Global Prime: Las claves y ejes que marcarán la Cumbre de las Américas, CNN Chile, 8 June 2022.
The Hub with Wang Guan on the Summit of the Americas
Interviewed on The Hub with Wang Guan on the Summit of the Americas, CGTN, 8 June 2022.
In Latin America, China steps in where US has stepped out
Cited by Howard LaFranchi in Christian Science Monitor, 3 June 2022.