Shifting Sands in the Americas - Inside America with Ghida Fakhry
Interviewed on Shifting Sands in the Americas, Inside America with Ghida Fakhry, TRT World, 16 June 2022.
The World Today: The Summit of the Americas
Interviewed on The World Today, on The Summit of the Americas, CGTN, 11 June 2022.
Biden’s hemispheric summit may end up a dud
Cited by Ishaan Tharoor in “Biden’s hemispheric summit may end up a dud”, The Washington Post, 10 June 2022.
Notable absentees at Summit of the Americas
Interviewed on World Insight, “Notable absentees at Summit of the Americas”, CGTN, 10 June 2022.
Саммит Америк и война в Украине (Summit of the Americas and the war in Ukraine)
Interviewed in Саммит Америк и война в Украине (Summit of the Americas and the war in Ukraine), Voice of America (VOA) Russia, 9 June 2022.
Conexión Global Prime: Las claves y ejes que marcarán la Cumbre de las Américas
Interviewed on Conexión Global Prime: Las claves y ejes que marcarán la Cumbre de las Américas, CNN Chile, 8 June 2022.
The Hub with Wang Guan on the Summit of the Americas
Interviewed on The Hub with Wang Guan on the Summit of the Americas, CGTN, 8 June 2022.