Shifting Sands in the Americas - Inside America with Ghida Fakhry
Interviewed on Shifting Sands in the Americas, Inside America with Ghida Fakhry, TRT World, 16 June 2022.
The World Today: The Summit of the Americas
Interviewed on The World Today, on The Summit of the Americas, CGTN, 11 June 2022.
Notable absentees at Summit of the Americas
Interviewed on World Insight, “Notable absentees at Summit of the Americas”, CGTN, 10 June 2022.
Саммит Америк и война в Украине (Summit of the Americas and the war in Ukraine)
Interviewed in Саммит Америк и война в Украине (Summit of the Americas and the war in Ukraine), Voice of America (VOA) Russia, 9 June 2022.
Conexión Global Prime: Las claves y ejes que marcarán la Cumbre de las Américas
Interviewed on Conexión Global Prime: Las claves y ejes que marcarán la Cumbre de las Américas, CNN Chile, 8 June 2022.
The Hub with Wang Guan on the Summit of the Americas
Interviewed on The Hub with Wang Guan on the Summit of the Americas, CGTN, 8 June 2022.
Cumbre de las Américas y crisis regional: desafíos y oportunidades
Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile, 27 May 2022.