Review in Global Policy - Active Non-Alignment and Latin America: A Doctrine for the New Century
Capsule review in Global Policy, Active Non-Alignment and Latin America: A Doctrine for the New Century
Virtual Book Launch – Active Non-Alignment: An IR Doctrine for This New Century
Virtual Book Launch – Active Non-Alignment: An IR Doctrine for This New Century, The University of British Columbia, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, 28 Feb 2022.
REVIEW ESSAY - Latin America Looks EastAs Washington Idles, China Is Cutting Deals
REVIEW ESSAY “Latin America Looks East As Washington Idles, China Is Cutting Deals”, by Brian Winter, Foreign Affairs, 24 Feb 2022.
Virtual Book Launch – Active Non-Alignment: An IR Doctrine for This New Century
Virtual Book Launch – Active Non-Alignment: An IR Doctrine for This New Century, The University of British Columbia, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, 28 Feb 2022.
Book review by Sergio Bitar, Revista Mensaje, Edición N° 706, 19 Jan 2022.
Reseña de libro: “Unidos y no alineados: aspiraciones y límites” por Bernabé Malacalza
Reseña de libro: “Unidos y no alineados: aspiraciones y límites” por Bernabé Malacalza, Pensamiento Propio 54 JULIO-DICIEMBRE 2021 / AÑO 26, pp. 273-277.
Presentación del libro: El No Alineamiento Activo y América Latina
Presentación del libro: El No Alineamiento Activo y América Latina, Centro de Estudios Asiáticos San Marcos, 16 Dec 2021.
El “no alineamiento activo” en la pugna entre Estados Unidos y China
Book Review by Ariela Ruiz Caro in OtraMirada, 15 Dec. 2021.
Entrevista en el programa “Notables”, TeleSur
Entrevista en el programa “Notables” con Jorge Gestoso, TeleSur, 14 Dec. 2021.
Latin America Could Profit From U.S.-China Competition
Interviewed by Catherine Osborn in “Latin America Could Profit From U.S.-China Competition”, Foreign Policy, 10 Dec. 2021.
Presentación del libro, FLACSO-Argentina, Argentina, 2 Dec 2021.
Presentación del libro, FLACSO-Argentina, Argentina, 2 Dec 2021.
O Não-Alinhamento Ativo da América Latina - Uma doutrina para o Novo Século
FGV broadcast the lecture “The Active Non-Alignment of Latin America - A doctrine for the new century”, with former Chancellor Celso Amorim, former Chilean Ambassador Jorge Castañeda, and from Prof. Monica Herz (PUC-Rio).
Invitación Lanzamiento libro
Presentación del libro, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile, 8 Nov 2021.
Lanzamiento libro
Presentación del libro, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile, 8 Nov 2021.